In this year, AVR are invited to partner with China Telecom in order to provide the latest retail technology. In this show, AVR bring three reliable brands products and solutions. They are JOAN from Slovenia, SEADA , and ONELAN from UK.

the coming decade, upheavals in global consumer and supply markets are likely to produce as many losers as winners among CPG companies. Asia/China will overtake the West as the main consumer market, and it will demand new levels of value and innovation from CPG players. Rising Internet penetration could upend traditional sales models. Globalized trading and natural-resource shortages could combine to usher in a new age of supply chain volatility.

In China, the CPG market is hyperdynamic and rapidly growing, CPGs are in the midst of reevaluating their strategic thinking for China, shifting toward product and brand innovation investments, opening up new distribution channels, and finding their bearings in the e-commerce free-for-all.

As a Smart Retail series event, CPG Expansion 2019 will take place at 21-22 March in Shanghai, bringing together 300+ senior level attendees from 100+ CPG industrial leaders including CPG brands, chain stores, CVS, and e-retailers etc.

In this year, AVR are invited to partner with China Telecom in order to provide the latest retail technology. In this show, AVR bring three reliable brands products and solutions. They are JOAN from Slovenia, SEADA , and ONELAN from UK.